Social Media Policy

Social Media Community Guidelines

The Guidelines outline the rules for using Terumo Group's official social media accounts. By using these accounts, you agree to follow the Guidelines. If Users cannot or do not agree to or with these Guidelines, Users should not access, use, or view the Terumo Group’s Official Accounts.

Terumo Group Social Media Community Guidelines

These Social Media Community Guidelines (hereinafter, the “Guidelines”) stipulate the specific rules related to the access and use of the official social media accounts managed by Terumo Corporation and/or its affiliated group companies (hereinafter, collectively the “Terumo Group”). For purposes of these Guidelines, the “Official Accounts” are the social media accounts that the Terumo Group operates to communicate information about the organization as part of its marketing and communications strategies, and as further detailed below. Individuals or entities that access, use, or view the Terumo Group’s Official Accounts shall hereinafter be referred to as “Users”. By accessing, using or viewing the Official Accounts, Users agree to be bound by these Guidelines. The Terumo Group encourages Users to review the following Guidelines carefully. If Users cannot or do not agree to or with these Guidelines, Users should not access, use, or view the Terumo Group’s Official Accounts.

Table of Contents

Terumo Group Social Media Community Guidelines

  1. Purpose of Terumo Group’s use of social media
  2. Posts by the Terumo Group
  3. Official Accounts following and reacting to other accounts (including other Terumo Group Official Accounts)
  4. Responding to posts, comments, DMs, and inquiries sent to the Official Accounts
  5. Precautions concerning medical information and products
  6. Prohibitions
  7. Handling of personal information
  8. Disclaimer
  9. Governing law and jurisdiction
  10. General

1. Purpose of Terumo Group’s use of social media

(1) The Terumo Group uses social media to share public information and communicate in an effort to provide its diverse stakeholders with accurate information about Terumo Group's corporate activities, products, services, etc. and utilizes its Official Accounts in accordance with the Terumo Group’s Core Values.

(2) The Terumo Group owns all Official Accounts regardless of the associate (employee) who opens the account or uses, manages, or accesses it.

(3) The list of Official Accounts operated by the Terumo Group is available on the websites below.

2. Posts by the Terumo Group

(1) Copyrights, trademark rights, and all other rights of the content posted by the Terumo Group on its Official Accounts are attributed to the Terumo Group or the content provider

3. Official Accounts following and reacting to other accounts (including other Terumo Group Official Accounts)

(1) “Reactions” means the reproduction of content in response to content, including likes, dislikes, reposts, shares, promotes and comments added.

(2) A Terumo Group Official Account may follow, unfollow, react to, and delete its reactions to other Terumo Group Official Accounts, as it deems necessary.

(3) A Terumo Group Official Account may follow, unfollow, react to, and delete its reactions to other accounts (that are non-Terumo Group Official Accounts), as it deems necessary, provided that the Terumo Group Official Account has the proper authorizations and protocols in place to do so.

(4) The Terumo Group will not necessarily follow each User that follows its Official Accounts.

(5) Following or reacting through the Terumo Group's Official Accounts does not necessarily indicate the Terumo Group's endorsement of the content.

4. Responding to posts, comments, DMs, and inquiries sent to the Official Accounts

(1) The Terumo Group will not necessarily reply to all posts, comments, and direct messages (DMs) made by Users on its Official Accounts.

(2) The Terumo Group's Official Accounts are not contact centers. Please contact us through the applicable local Terumo Group website or applicable customer service call center in your region.

5. Precautions concerning medical information and products

(1) The Terumo Group's Official Accounts only provide general content for informational purposes only, meaning they do not formally provide medical advice and do not replace a doctor’s or other qualified medical professional’s advice. Users should not use this information for diagnosing a health problem or disease, and should always consult with their own physician.

(2) The Terumo Group’s Official Accounts may also contain certain information or content intended for use by licensed medical professionals. These tools are not intended to give professional medical advice. Physicians and other healthcare providers should always exercise their own clinical judgment in any given situation.

(3) The regulatory approval of the Terumo Group's products and their availability for sale differs across regions and countries.

(4) We make every effort to ensure that our products and services meet Terumo Group's high quality standards. However, if the product has any quality-related issues, Users should not utilize the Official Accounts for reporting. Please contact us through the applicable local Terumo Group website or applicable customer service call center in your region.

6. Prohibitions

(1) The Terumo Group prohibits the following inappropriate acts conducted through its Official Accounts. If such acts occur, the Terumo Group can take the appropriate measures in its sole and absolute discretion and without notice to Users. These measures include deleting the User's post, temporarily or permanently blocking the User’s account, reporting Users to the relevant social media management company and/or legal authorities, etc.

  • 1.1 Acts that violate or may violate laws, regulations, including off-label product use, ethics, or public policy

    1.2 Acts that offend or criticize specific individuals or entities, damage their reputation or credibility, harass, or defame them

    1.3 Any conduct that conflicts with the Terumo Group Code of Conduct

    1.4 Political activities, election activities, religious activities, or similar acts

    1.5 The act of spreading or assisting in spreading mere rumors or sharing false information

    1.6 The act of impersonating third parties

    1.7 Acts that violate the trademark rights, copyrights, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, or other privacy rights of the Terumo Group, its associates (employees), or third parties

    1.8 Acts that disclose the confidential information of the Terumo Group or third parties, or acts that disclose material non-public information

    1.9 Acts that disclose any patient information or personal health information

    1.10 Acts that cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or harm to the Terumo Group, its associates (employees), or third parties, and the act of posting content that is irrelevant to the purpose of the Official Accounts

    1.11 Acts prohibited by each social media management company

    1.12 Other acts that are deemed inappropriate by the Terumo Group

(2) The Terumo Group reserves the right to take legal action, including claims for damages, against Users who conduct or engage in any of the above prohibited acts.

7. Handling of personal information

(1) The Terumo Group is committed to protecting personal data and respects individuals’ privacy rights. When acquiring personal information from Users, the Terumo Group handles this personal information appropriately in accordance with the Terumo Group's Privacy Policy. Please refer to the local privacy policy of each Terumo Group website.

(2) The Terumo Group takes no responsibility for the privacy policies, or privacy-related acts or omissions, of the social media platforms where the Official Accounts are located.

8. Disclaimer

(1) The Terumo Group takes great care when sharing information. However, the Terumo Group does not guarantee the integrity, accuracy, reliability, usefulness, etc., of the information posted on its Official Accounts

(2) The Terumo Group does not assume any responsibility for any content posted by the Users of its Official Accounts.

(3) These Guidelines do not prevent or discourage Users from engaging in legally protected activities in their regions, and do not prevent or discourage Users from making good faith complaints to government agencies.

(4) The Terumo Group can delete the information or content that Users post on its Official Accounts, report said information or content to the social media platform administrator, and take all other necessary measures, including legal measures, without prior notice to Users.

(5) The Terumo Group may close all or any one of its Official Accounts, or add, modify, suspend, terminate, etc., the content provided on its Official Accounts without prior notice to Users. Therefore, Users are expressly on notice that if Users or third parties incur damages based on the foregoing, the Terumo Group does not assume any responsibility.

(6) The Terumo Group can change these Guidelines at any time for any reason without the consent of the Users and without notice.

(7) The Terumo Group may use Users' posts, comments, relevant profile pictures, and account names on its Official Accounts for business purposes. If Terumo would like to use Users’ personal information on Terumo Group's Official Accounts, Terumo Group must obtain the appropriate consent from the Users in advance.

9. Governing law and jurisdiction

(1) These Guidelines shall be governed, interpreted, and applied in accordance with the laws of Japan. Furthermore, if issues that cannot be resolved using these Guidelines arise concerning the use of the Official Accounts, the Terumo Group and the Users shall first attempt to discuss said issues in good faith to reach a resolution.

(2) If litigation is required between the Terumo Group and the Users concerning the use of the Official Accounts, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.

10. General

(1) Duration. These Guidelines apply while Users are accessing, using, or viewing the Official Accounts and remain in effect indefinitely thereafter, subject to revisions to these Guidelines by the Terumo Group from time to time.

(2) Severability. If, in any jurisdiction, any provision of these Guidelines is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be restricted or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary and the remaining terms and conditions shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.

(3) Entire Agreement. These Guidelines constitute the entire agreement between Users and the Terumo Group relating to Users’ access and use of the Official Accounts. If anything on the Official Accounts is inconsistent with these Guidelines, then it will be superseded by these Guidelines.

(4) No Waiver. No waiver of these Guidelines shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, nor shall that waiver be deemed or constitute a continuing waiver unless expressly provided.

Effective Date: April 1st ,2024